Accept yourself the way you are

and work on it

Coaching – Leading yourself and others


My task as a coach is to bring out all the strengths that are present and at the same time to reflect the person clearly in the current context.

There are no weaknesses, but there is a wrong context and that is what needs to be worked out in order to develop solutions together.

Personal motives are named and questioned.

Sometimes it is necessary to develop an immature or unused ability, sometimes it is better to change the context.  Often it is helpful to draw attention to the essential and to initiate and support the corresponding "homework".

Each session has a purpose, which may also be to experience the process.

Throughout the entire coaching process, appreciation of the person and clarity in the matter are the highest precept.


What are the possible pain and suffering points at which a coaching session begins?

  •  Lack of a sparring partner for impulses and ideas
  • Not knowing how to lead others or how they wanted to be led
  • Stuck in professional dead ends
  • Work/life balance is not healthy
  • Stressful conflicts with other stakeholders


What can be gained through coaching?

  • Clarity about your own abilities, aims and motives
  • Tools to increase your self-reliance
  • Confidence
  • Development of social skills
  • Mental agility through reflection and alteration of the mental model